Choosing the right people for your organization requires
careful attention, assessment and analysis. Given the importance of these
decisions, let’s break down the progression of thoughts that play into the
employee selection process.
Most of us take a left-brain/logical approach when faced
with critical decisions. In candidate search and selection this involves an
examination that is organized around job description specifications, key
credentials and detailed criteria for leadership selection. It is, by its very
nature, a rational approach.
If hiring success was a science and we used only left-brain
predictive factors, it would reason that all people with excellent credentials
should turn out to be star performers.Yet, common experience shows that
rational criteria remain inadequate predictors of future successful job
Rational data can certainly be useful in paring down the
field of candidates to a manageable number; but when the hiring process reaches
the stage of personal interviews, it is time for the left-brain to concede to
right-brain thinking.
The person-to-person interview stage applies the most pivotal
hiring factors—the irrational factors—allowing them to come into focus using intuitive
measuring tools. These measurements may include: sensing whether a candidate
“feels right," shares your values, displays compatible chemistry and
communications styles with your stakeholders, or demonstrates both a high E.Q.
(Emotional Intelligence) and the I.Q. to match with your environment.
Aware of a Caveat
There is a danger that can accompany this irrational/intuitive
mode. The peril lies in the impact of misleading prejudices you may possess.
For instance, it is important to guard against both positive biases (such as
“just like me”) and negative ones. These negative touch points can range from: “I
fear she’s a liberal (or conservative)”; “What’s up with his beard?”; or a
myriad of other non-objective considerations tempered by legislation.
The interview process is your invitation to think
irrationally; and if you are careful to keep your positive and negative
prejudices in check, you will choose well. As a spirited irrational screener
you may positively identify that spark in a person that suggests a likely
successful future relationship. You will be using your best human gifts for reading
and relating to others.
If you are accustomed to using rational approaches to
decision making, try positively applying your gifts for irrationality. You’ll
improve your chances of achieving success with the leaders you bring aboard.
want to tackle everything rationally is very irrational.”
Ilyas, Kassam, author